Vikram Sarabhai Scholarship Scheme
PRL (Physics Research Laboratory) is committed to inculcate scientific attitude and approach among students active at the highest level of education and research from school. Students in remote rural areas face economic hardships as well as lack of guidance and many other problems.
PRL is aware of such social issues. Keeping this problem in mind, we are delighted to institute ten scholarships in memory of our founder Mr. Vikram Sarabhai. The objective of this scholarship is to encourage and support economically weaker students from rural areas of Gujarat to pursue higher education in science. The name of this scholarship is Vikram Sarabhai Incentive Yojana (Development Scholarship).
Vikram Sarabhai Scholarship Scheme PRL (Physical Research Laboratory) is committed to inculcate scientific attitude and approach among students active at the highest level of education and research from school. Students in remote rural areas face economic hardships as well as lack of guidance and many other problems.
- A total of ten (10) scholarships will be awarded each year.
- Out of 10, at least 5 scholarships will be awarded to girls.
Students studying in class 8 in rural areas of Gujarat whose total annual family income is less than 1.5 lakhs can apply. - [ For the year 2022-23 only, an additional 10 scholarships are available for students currently studying in class 10 and planning to take up science stream next year. If selected these students will be awarded scholarship for two years which will be ₹30,000/- during class 11 and ₹30,000/- during class 12. ]
- Selected students will receive a scholarship of up to ₹1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) over a period of four years.[ ₹20,000/- in class 9, ₹20,000/- in class 10 and if the student continues in science stream after class 10 So ₹30,000/- in class 11 and ₹30,000/- in class 12. ]The name of the scholarship is Vikram Sarabhai Tilak Yojana (Development Scholarship).
Vikram Sarabhai Scholarship Scheme – Eligibility, Terms, Conditions
- The applicant should be a student studying in class 8 in a government recognized school in a rural area of Gujarat.[Students studying in class 10 for the year 2022-23 only can also apply.]
The selection of students for Vikas Scholarship will be based on the marks obtained in class 7, their financial status and the marks obtained in the screening test, which will be conducted by PRL. - [For students of class 10 marks obtained in class 9(IX) will be considered. Rest of the selection process will remain the same.]
The applicant has to provide a written certificate from the principal of the school which must contain the following details. - Name of the student and whether the student is a regular student of the school or not.
- Name of the educational board to which the school is affiliated.
- Registration No. of School Board or Gujarat Education Department.
- Details whether the school is government, semi-government or private.
- Language medium of the school.
- Whether the school is located in a rural area of Gujarat or not.
The applicant has to provide proof of income which should clearly state that the total annual income of the student’s family from all sources of income does not exceed one and a half lakh rupees. This instance should be given by any one of the authorities mentioned below. - Officials authorized for revenue instance: Tehsildar, Revenue Officer (Mamalatdar), S.D.M., Taluka Magistrate, Collector, District Magistrate, A.D.M. That equates to them.
P.R.L. will independently verify the evidence furnished by the students selected for the scholarship and if any particulars are found to be incorrect or necessary facts have been deliberately suppressed or omitted, the award of the scholarship to that candidate will be withdrawn.
The annual renewal of the scholarship will be subject to the fact that the student continues his studies in the following year.
Vikram Sarabhai Scholarship Scheme – Application Process
The applicant has to register by filling the online form on the PRL VIKAS scholarship website.
As part of the registration process, the student has to scan and upload the following documents::
Photo of the student
Proof of Income:
Income Certificate (issued by Tehsildar/Revenue Officer (Mamalatdar)/SDM/Taluka Magistrate/Collector/DM/ADM/any equivalent officer. The certificate should clearly mention the total annual/yearly income of the family.
A standard student certificate from the school
If the certificate does not include the address of the school and the details of the school’s registration with the Board of Education, the applicant should also produce a certificate from the head of the school mentioning these details.
If the school has more than one campus, the certificate or application form should also contain the address of the campus where the applicant studies.
Vikram Sarabhai Scholarship Scheme – About Examination
Screening Exam Date To be held at all centers on Sunday, 22nd January 2023. The timing of the screening test will be intimated to the registered students in due course. The duration of the screening exam will be one hour.
Students appearing for the screening examination will be admitted at their respective examination center from 10.00 am onwards.
Candidates appearing for the exam have to bring the admit slip and their identity card.
The question paper will have multiple choice questions that test basic knowledge and aptitude.
The question paper will be in English, Hindi and Gujarati languages and the answer sheet (OMR sheet) will be in English language only.
+3 marks for each correct answer and -1 mark for each wrong answer. Unanswered questions will be given no marks.
Vikram Sarabhai Scholarship Scheme – Required Documents
Aadhaar proof required for development scholarship scheme Student photo
Income Proof: Income certificate issued by (Tehsildar/Revenue Officer (Mamalatdar)/SDM/Taluka Magistrate/Collector/DM/ADM/any equivalent authority. The certificate should clearly mention the total annual/yearly income of the family.
School Class 7 Marksheet Class 9 Marksheet in case of Class 10 students applying for scholarship.
Vikram Sarabhai Scholarship Scheme – Important Link
વિકાસ શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના પાત્રતા માપદંડ: અહીં ક્લિક કરો
વિકાસ શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના અરજી પ્રક્રિયા: અહીં ક્લિક કરો
વિકાસ શિષ્યવૃતિ યોજના નોંધણી લિંક માટે: અહીં ક્લિક કરો